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Policy, Procedures & Guidelines for the IRWA Region 5 Professional of the Year Award


Each Calendar Year, Region V will present the Region V Professional of the Year Award.  The award will be given to a member who exemplifies their outstanding service and dedication to the Region.  This member is one who, through their involvement and commitment, furthers the Region and the International Right of Way Association.


The Region V Past Professionals of the Year (Committee) will oversee the selection and award.  They will choose a Chair among themselves to oversee and ensure success of the entire process, including ordering the award.  This Chair will have voice, but vote only should there be a tie.  The exception is if the committee unanimously agrees on two (2) recipients for the award.  Two (2) recipients being the maximum. 


In January of each calendar year notice will be sent out electronically (along with the nomination application form), to the Officers of the Region, including the Secretary/Treasurer and all Region Chapter Presidents, soliciting nominees to be considered for the award.  Nominations can be received by the above members along with any Active Region Member and all active Past recipients of the award.


Nomination/Application of a Region member to be considered must be received by the award Chair no later than March 1st of each calendar year.  Once received, they will be distributed by said chair to all past participants.  A date for response by the committee will be set by the chair.


This award will be presented annual to the recipient at the Spring Forum and will be presented by the immediate past award winner, or his/her designee, if necessary.


Criteria to consider when making a nomination:


  • Nominees must be an active member of a Chapter within the Region.

  • Nominees must be an active member of the Region.

  • Nominees shall be a member in good and ethical standing in the Association.

  • Nominees shall be a member for the previous 5-year period and served in Chapter Offices, Committees, and/or Region Committees.

  • Nominees (desired) should hold an SR/WA or IRWA Certification, or other professional license or designations, indicating their support and commitment of IRWA education.

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