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International Right-of-Way Association Region V Bylaws
The purpose of the Region V Forum is to advance the aims and purposes of the International Right of Way Association by assisting the Region Chair and Vice Chair in the administration of the affairs of the Region and by serving as a communication link between the leadership of the Chapters, the Region, and the International Executive Committee.
The Membership of the Region V Forum shall automatically be:
A. The Region Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary
B. All Presidents and International Directors or Chapter designees of Chapters in Region V.
C. The Past Chairs of Region V maintaining active membership.
D. All persons whose principal membership is in a chapter in Region V and who are currently members of one of the following:
An International Committee
The International Executive Committee
The International Advisory Council
The officers of the Region V Forum shall be the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary of Region V. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be nominated and elected pursuant to the applicable International Bylaws and Procedural Rules. The Secretary shall be nominated and elected at the Spring Forum.
A. Chair - Duties and Responsibilities
The Chair shall serve as Executive Officer of the Region V Forum. Duties of the Chair shall include solicitation of agenda items from each member; preparation of an agenda and notification of all members at least thirty (30) days prior to a meeting. The Chair shall arrange for and preside at all meetings of the Region V Forum; manage the fiscal affairs of the Forum; visit and counsel with each chapter during the fiscal year and attend the Annual International Board of Directors Meeting; and perform such other duties as specified by International Bylaws and Procedural Rules. Any of these duties may be delegated at the Chairs discretion.
B: Vice Chair - Duties and Responsibilities
The Vice Chair shall serve as Vice Chair of the Region V Forum. The Vice Chair shall act in the absence of the Chair. The Vice Chair shall perform all duties as specified by International Bylaws and Procedural Rules. Other duties shall include compilation of the Education Course schedule from all chapters of Region V and the distribution to Headquarters. The Vice Chair shall work with the Secretary on the annual publication of the Region V Profile of Members and attend the Annual International Board of Directors meeting.
C. Secretary - Duties and Responsibilities
The Secretary shall service as recorder for all Forum meetings. The Secretary shall manage the secretarial affairs of the Forum. These duties shall include responsibility for preparation and distribution of minutes for the Forum and the revision, publication and distribution of the Region V Profile of Members to Region V officers, Chapter Presidents and International Directors.
The terms of office of all members of the Region V Forum shall be concurrent with their respective Chapter and International offices and status. The Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary shall serve one-year terms. The Chair and Vice Chair, if re-nominated by the Region, shall be eligible for re-election to their respective offices at the pleasure of the International Board of Directors and subject to International Bylaws and Procedural Rules. The Secretary shall be eligible for re-election subject to Region nomination.
The time and place of meetings shall be distributed by the Chair. The Forum shall meet at least twice each year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall, in addition to meetings held at the International Education Conference. Except for the meetings at the International Education Conference, notice of the time and place of all meetings shall be given to all members at least thirty (30) days in advance. In any year the International Conference is held in Region V, the Chair may designate less than two annual forms for the Region.
Except as otherwise provided for in these Bylaws, Roberts Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be used as the rules for the procedure and conduct of all meetings.
At the meeting of the Regional Forum, a majority of eligible voting members as determined by Article VII shall constitute a quorum.
In respect to any matter calling for a vote of the Regional Forum, each chapter present shall be entitled to three votes regardless of the number of chapter members attending such meeting. Other members in attendance shall have a voice but no vote. A majority vote is required for passage.
Each chapter's votes shall be cast by the Chapter President and the two International Directors or their Chapter Board elected substitutes. Where an individual is both President and International Director, said individual shall cast two votes. All votes must be cast in person. Written notice of Chapter voting substitution shall be submitted to the Chair.
In the event of a tie vote, the Chair may break the tie.
The Chair, with concurrence from the Forum members, may appoint and dissolve ad-hoc committees to pursue the goals of the Forum.
The Functions of the Regional Forum shall include, but not be limited to the following:
A. Nomination of the Region Chair and Vice Chair
B. Nomination and election of the Region Secretary
C. Selection of prospective
Nominees for other International officer positions
International Committee Members
D. Promotion and sponsoring of Educational Courses and Seminars
E. Communication of ideas, attitudes, positions, information and data from the Chapters and the various committees
These Bylaws may be repealed, amended, or new Bylaws adopted, at any regular meeting of the Forum, where a quorum is present, by an affirmative vote of the majority of the voting representatives present after notice of same has been sent, by mail, to the active voting members of the Forum at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. Said action by the Forum shall not become effective until approved by the International General Counsel.
Nothing in these Bylaws shall be intercepted to be inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation or the International Bylaws of the International Right of Way Association.
These Bylaws adopted by the Region V Forum on April 12, 1999, and ratified on April 17, 2004.
These Bylaws were approved by the International General Counsel on August 27, 2004.
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