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About the IRWA
Since its inception as a not-for-profit association in 1934, IRWA has united the efforts of its members towards professional development, improved service to employers and the public, and advancements within the right of way profession. IRWA is the the unsurpassed source of right of way educational programs and professional services worldwide.
In addition, IRWA membership provides those in the right of way industry with significant benefits.
Our Members
Dedicated exclusively to the right of way profession, IRWA has nearly 10,000 members throughout the U.S. and Canada. Our members are multi-disciplined professionals employed by private industry and government agencies as:
Acquisition Agents
Environment Professionals
Property Managers
Relocation Assistance Agents
Title Experts
The International Right of Way Association creates public awareness, trust and confidence in the right of way process, to build a better world.
The International Right of way Association will be the central authority for Right of Way Professional, providing members with the tools they need to build and advance in their careers.
Core Purpose
IRWA creates public awareness, trust and confidence in the right of way process to building a better world.
Core Values
We believe in:
professional development achieved through lifelong learning
providing a community to people in the right of way industry that fosters excellence in professional growth and opportunities
adherence to the highest standards of ethical practice
providing quality services to all our stakeholders
responsible stewardship of the association's financial resources
Professional Development Focus
Billions of dollars are spent annually in the acquisition, management, and transfer of rights of way. With the technical skills required for proficiency in this complex activity, IRWA's specialized education and training programs, leading to professional certifications and the IRWA's designation, the SR/WA, provide an essential foundation for right of way professionals across the U.S. and Canada.
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