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2024 Virtual Education Options in Region 5

March 20, 2024

900 Principles of Real Estate Engineering -- VIRTUAL CLASS (CH. 21)


Course Description:

This two-day, beginning-level course introduces participants to the basic principles of engineering drawings. By the end of this course, participants will be able to understand and interpret engineering drawings, use an engineer’s scale, determine the engineering effects of a project on a property, understand the background and become knowledgeable about the most common systems and methods of property descriptions, and be able to write and plot property descriptions using various methods.



Mosaddeque “Sami” Ahmed, MBA, SR/WA, PMP has been a member of IRWA since 2008.  Sami works for Canada’s largest gas distribution company as a pipeline right-of-way project coordinator since 2007. He has considerable experience in managing contractual relationships, monitoring rights of ways and resolving issues or disputes with government agencies, land owners, municipalities, consultants and identifying and mitigating risks regarding portfolio. Sami also has experience in negotiating, preparing and interpreting license agreements, statutory rights of way (SRW’s) with government agencies, land owners, municipalities. Sami works in the field as a negotiator, and works with government officials, property owners/agents, land developers, private organizations and other interested parties in the administration of right-of-way land use and pipeline matters including providing technical expertise of a regulatory nature involving the review and processing of architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and civil plans for proposed construction, permit review and approvals, pipeline crossings, land developments, proposed subdivisions, rezoning, statutory rights-of-ways, road dedications, license and operating agreements, encroachments and site inspections.  Sami has a degree in Applied Petroleum Engineering. He is an RI and a Senior Right of Way Professional (SR/WA) with extensive knowledge in areas of real estate and property management, rights-of-ways and land use. Sami also holds an MBA and holds a Project Management Professional (PMP) designation.  When not working, Sami’s world revolves around his family, and enjoys reading and sporting activities.



March 27, 2024

218 Right of Way Acquisition for Electrical Transmission Projects -- VIRTUAL CLASS (CH. 21)


Course Description:

 This two-day, intermediate-level course creates an awareness of the full-scope process involved in right of way acquisition for electrical transmission projects. The course also provides effective techniques for successful negotiations in the process and exposes right of way agents to what their role may be throughout the process. The course also exposes the participants to the idea of “resourcefulness,” so they can recognize a problem when it develops and determine a solution, or know where to go and who to ask for help in finding that solution. The course culminates in a scenario-based, live team challenge where students apply their new skills and develop critical thinking to solve a real world, electrical transmission project crisis.


Gordon E MacNair, SR/WA, AACI, P.App, is a Senior Real Estate Infrastructure Advisor employed with MacNair Consulting Inc. He is the former Director of the Corporate Real Estate Office for the City of Ottawa where his team oversaw all real estate matters for infrastructure projects. In this capacity, Gord was also instrumental in developing and overseeing the Environmental Remediation unit. He is also a certified lecturer for the IRWA who has published numerous articles on infrastructure real estate and land assembly matters. Previously, Gord was employed with a major utility company where he was employed as a Project Supervisor responsible for acquiring right of way for major high voltage transmission projects. Gord served as the International President of the IRWA and is currently serving as the Chair of the International Relations Committee. Mr. MacNair has taught courses and seminars on infrastructure real estate (land assembly) throughout Canada and the United States as well as Australia, South Africa, and the UK.


April 3, 2024

102 Elevating Your Ethical Awareness -- VIRTUAL CLASS


Course Description:

This course is intended to help resolve ethics and compliance issues by providing the information, tools and resources necessary to make good decisions. Participants will leave this course with an overview of IRWA’s Code of Conduct, Rules and Standards. These are what guide us and provide an understanding of how to apply this knowledge in serving our clients and members in the utmost ethical manner while always striving to fulfill our purpose of “improving the quality of people’s lives through infrastructure development.”


  • New SR/WA/Industry/Specialist: Ethics courses are applicable to all IRWA Credentialing programs. Successful completion of an Ethics course is a requirement for initial completion of all IRWA Credentialing programs and is mandatory every five years for recertification purposes.


  • To elevate ethical awareness in our industry to ensure we serve our clients and the profession to the highest standard

  • To provide a clear understanding and clarity of our Code of Ethics, Ethical Rules and Standards

  • To be educated on the risks associated with non-ethical behavior

  • To cultivate an active presence of ethical awareness in daily work and life

  • To nurture an understanding of Ethics as a concept and social construct


Instructor TBA


April 15 & 16, 2024

303 Managing the Consultant Process -- VIRTUAL CLASS (CH. 21)


Course Description:

 This course is designed to provide participants with a step-by-step understanding of the process of selecting and monitoring consultants. Participants will become aware of the issues and concerns of both agencies and consultants through the discussion of practical applications. Current trends are for Departments of Transportation, local public agencies and other governmental entities to do more contracting of right of way and land acquisition services. Issues relating to both the contracting and the monitoring of services from the perspectives of the agency and consultant are discussed.


Instructor TBA


May 30, 2024

800 Principles of Real Estate Law -- VIRTUAL CLASS (CH. 21)


Course Description:

This course is designed to build on the basics of real estate law provided by Course 100 “Principles of Land Acquisition” and to assist right of way agents, property managers and others in collaborating with property owners and attorneys. This introductory level course provides novice employees dealing with real estate issues with basic right of way information and experienced employees with a broader perspective on legal issues and applicable law.


  • New SR/WA: A required core course for the RWA certification.

  • Industry: A required core course in all 4 pathways for the RWP certification.

  • Specialist: A required core course for the R/W-AMC certification and an elective core course for the R/W-NAC certification.


  • Real property law overview

  • Contract law, introduction to contract law, types of contracts, elements of a contract, termination and discharge of contracts

  • Specific real estate contracts, purchase and sale agreement, commercial lease easement agreements, agency agreements

  • Tort law in general, specific torts relating to real estate

  • Land use controls introduction, restrictive covenants, planning legislation, environmental regulation

  • Condominium/common ownership interests introduction, creation of the interest, repair and insurance rights and duties of owners, comparative advantages and disadvantages of various types of ownership


Instructor TBA

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